Week 14 Summary
These are the summary for week 14 with uses the utterence bot
Summary for week 14
These summary include detailed steps for week 14 assignment
Week 14 Summary
Monday We started the day by splitting up the jobs for the team teaching assignment. We then continued our on the binary blackjack project. We completed our team teach by splitting up the role accordingly amongst the people in our group and began to test a trial run of the team teaching project.
Tuesday We postponed our student lesson until Wednesday to give us more time to work on the team teaching project. We continued our work on the binary blackjack project and worked on creating the homework for the team teaching project. We also made plans on the new feature we were going to create which was the sum of the card in both binary and decimal on the project.
Wednesday We presented our team teach today and began working on the corrections of the homework from the team teach. We continued our work on the binary blackjack project and added in the new feature that was the sum of the cards in both binary and decimal. Once we finished up with that we worked on completing ideation and presenting that to the teacher.
Thursday We worked on listening to the student lesson and also worked on completing the homework from the student lesson We worked on adding in new features and also adding in code comments to the code, we then completed the day with a quick team meet about what each of us was going to do for the project.
Friday We completed the week with a quick feature meet and completed up the homework from the team teach.